Inkster Industrial Park
Inkster Park has long been one of the premier industrial areas in the city of Winnipeg. Development has been restricted through firm zoning regulations so that the neighborhood presents an attractive appearance with well designed buildings and generous open space.

1429 Mountain Avenue
Strategically located in the heart of Inkster Park, this 40,000 square foot building provides premises for four successful organizations.

1410 Mountain Avenue
This elegant 47,000 square foot building was developed by SUN-X in 1989 to serve as the home for the Department of Public Works Canada. Beautifully designed and maintained, it is the centre-piece of this park.

1679 Burrows Avenue
Situated on the perimeter of the park, this 25,000 square foot multi-tenant building houses attractive offices and ample warehouse space, suitable for use by a variety of tenants, including SUN-X PROPERTIES LTD..

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