SUN-X Fully Serviced Industrial Land Inventory

For Build-to-Suit or Multi-Tenant Development

Sun-X Properties Ltd. currently as of May 1, 1998 holds the largest industrial zoned and serviced land bank in the City of Winnipeg.
The land is ready for immediate development and consists of approximately 153 acres scattered throughout the most desirable industrial areas covering all major industrial parks. When fully developed this will ad another 153 X 15,000 = 2,300,000 sq. ft. of quality finished warehouse office space to the Winnipeg market.

North Inkster Industrial Area Inkster Industrial Park St.James Industrial Area St. Boniface Industrial Area Murray Industrial Park Whyte Ridge Industrial Park

Click here for Property Details

If you are presently a tenant with Sun-X Properties Ltd. or plan to be in the future your growing business needs are virtually guaranteed in our 1.5 million sq. ft. existing building inventory or our 153 acre land bank geared for the build-to-suit premises and multi-tenant spec space.

In Winnipeg, Sun-X Properties Ltd. is your most flexible building leasing solution for in the past as in the future we often take over the present lease if on our premises, and give the customer new or existing larger premises at market rates. Of course this is all negotiable and the upward move depending on the size involved should be 150% or thereabouts of the present leased premises

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